Where’s your Stopcock?
Wouldn’t it be great to find your stopcock easily everytime you move home?
Most people have at least spent some time looking for the stopcock and when they do, it could be located in places that are hard to reach. This could even mean that the stopcock needs to be relocated and will involve a plumber. There are even tips on how to find and relocate your stopcock on the internet.
Aren’t there better ways to manage such things?
I recently moved to a new apartment and had difficulties turning the heating on too. It took me a couple of days to figure out what the problem was after hours of searching the web.
Imagine if the information was provided to us in advance and we didn’t have to waste time and effort finding the stopcock or in my case the heating system. At DadShed, we are trying to solve those issues, save time, effort and money for the users of the building.
DadShed will champion tenants and homeowners, working with the professionals involved in the real estate sector by enabling the data within buildings to be easily accessible.
Let’s us know what you think about this? We’d love to hear from you. https://www.crowdholding.com/project/100/task/1301/