We Asked, You Answered — DadShed
What would you like to see in a homeowner app?
We conducted a survey asking 40 homeowners and prospective buyers what their ‘ideal’ homeowner manual might look like, this is what they had to say;
- 85% wanted the manuals to include safety and legal documentation.
- 60% wanted the manuals to include imagery of the property, including during the build and before/after shots.
- Almost 70% felt that the ability to share property information digitally would be useful to them for property management.
As you might have guessed, we are creating a homeowner app with feedback from homeowners — click here to find out more about it.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the survey!
The 19th survey taker was randomly selected for the £25 IKEA voucher.
Missed out on winning? If you’re a homeowner or prospective buyer, you’ve got another chance! This time, win* a £25 Wayfair voucher by completing a second survey linked below.
*1 winner will be selected randomly in August 2021. Any contributions thereafter will not be included in the prize draw.
Originally published at dadshed.co.uk on July 27, 2021.