Property Management Tips from SHEDyt
1st November, 2017
SHEDyt is about co-operation between users, a breakdown of co-operation can lead to miscommunication so here are some tips to keep things positive.
Act in the best intention
We are all working to make things better, sometimes things go wrong but usually, it is not because of malicious intent. Realise that most mistakes are honest and then it will be easier to move onto a positive resolution.
Attack the problem, not the person
Blaming the person is undoubtedly satisfying but never helps. Emails and messages are quick to send but can’t be taken back. By staying on top of the problem, we can work together without resorting to name calling. We believe in co-operation and work with professionals, as such we expect a certain level of professional conduct from those who use our services.
Flexibility doesn’t hurt
The ability to be flexible when resolving an issue shows real integrity and that you are a calm and collected person who really “knows where his towel is”.
We do this to build communities, and communities are based on individuals and their actions. Every action will hurt or help your reputation within your community, so keep in mind your karma before firing off overly critical and/or potentially offensive messages.
Be the change you want to see
Something or someone isn’t working the way you would like them to? Then help offer solutions instead of simply criticising, come on board and help where possible, your insight is valuable. We don’t like name calling, offensive messages or plain rudeness. If you see something you don’t like, speak up by all means but maintain professionalism and be helpful.
Answer in Good Faith
No one likes a troll; they have no friends and smell awful. While some people just want to watch the world burn, the rest of us want to make it a better place. So if you have a genuine answer, by all means share it and solve the problem, but if your answer is deliberately deceiving or potentially harmful then search your soul before hitting that “post” button.
Forms of Wit
There is a time and a place for the greatest literary devices. Sarcasm, wit, pathos, hyperbole are all brilliant when deployed correctly. Unfortunately, forums and text-based communication are notoriously poor mediums for communicating the subtler arts. Stick to straighter answers or wait until someone develops a grammar for sarcasm.
Originally published at