If Buildings Could Talk, What would they say?
25th June, 2021
When your computer needs updating, it asks you to schedule a convenient time. Newer phones will detect, and notify you, if they have been exposed to water so you can let them dry before charging again — avoiding electrical damage.
Nobody is an expert at everything, so we rely on others to let us know when something might be wrong. This lets us take pre-emptive steps to avoid issues getting worse and/or causing complications down the line, and is especially important when it comes to the things we value most. So why do we not have similar systems in place for our homes?
Imagine if your home could send a text message any time it needed servicing, maintenance, repairs, inspections or to remind you that a legal, safety or compliance document is expiring soon. How much time, effort and money would you save that might have otherwise been spent stressing over forgotten admin dates and preventable repairs?
What we should be working towards is a technology platform that manages both static and living data which can be leveraged to allow buildings to tell us how they feel, and even make suggestions for us, so we can avoid being blindsided by property issues and adopt a more predictive — not reactive — strategy to property management.
What would it look like?
The platform we are creating aims to simplify, and automate, the property management experience for occupiers, managers and developers alike. Providing a real-time digital platform that replaces the homeowner manual, facilitates collaboration and brings data to life for the long-term sustainability of our homes. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us.
Originally published at SHEDyt.com